Thursday, June 25, 2015

Wedding Reminiscing [Reception Details]

The last post in my Wedding Reminiscing Series...

Here we have... the Reception :)

Remember how I really didn't enjoy bossing my helpers around to decorate for the reception? And even so, the decorations turned out really well! I loved how it all came together...

The Head Table

The Head Table with a few of the circle tables to show all they all coordinated.

My mother's wedding dress, my mother-in-law's dress and my grandmother-in-law's dress. 
(I wish I would have had these labeled).

Old wedding pictures from my family and Dan's family. (I wish these would have been labeled as well).

The punch table and the gift table (the cards were put into a hat box - it's hidden there on the left side).

I loved borrowing glassware and doilies from family members and being able to use them at the reception, along with the old dresses and photos. It was nice connecting to historic family celebrations in that way :) 

All in all, the wedding day was a fun day (that I'm glad that I never have to do again!, Ha!)

1 comment:

  1. The family wedding dresses and photos - is such a wonderful touch. We saw that done at a friend's daughter's wedding last spring and everyone loved looking at the dresses and the photos of the bridal couples.
