6 months - 6 months - 6 months!
I've had the pictures all ready for this post, but I just haven't taken the time to talk about them until now. I need to remind myself that it is so much easier to talk about his monthly updates right away, rather than waiting a few weeks... I always forget what all he has learned to do while waiting!
Anyways, he is truly a happy little boy (carseat time is still a 50-50 chance of going well or enduring a screaming fest) and is really started to study the world around him. He still is a cuddle bug - something that his sister never was! His weight and height are both average, so he is transitioning from 3-6month clothes to 6-9 month clothes. (He loved the leaf that was the same size as his head... well, he really just loves anything that he can grasp with his fingers!)

He rolls, but can be content on either his tummy or his back (again, different that E... she would never be content on her back!). Actually, one of his favorite positions is just lying on his back on my lap and playing with his feet while looking around. His fingers are often in his mouth, but he doesn't favor any. He still takes a pacifier, but we still haven't tried a bottle. His baby attitude continues to grow. In these pictures above, he was happily playing in the dirt and grass beside the blanket. As soon as we moved him to the middle of the blanket again and out of reach of the dirt and grass, he would get so upset!

Breakfast times are getting more and more interesting! E eats her rice krispies and James has his oatmeal. (Then applesauce for lunch and then a veggie for supper... at the time he turned 6 months, he had sweet potatoes, squash and avocado). He is a much better eater than E ever was... sometimes he gets upset when I don't feed him quick enough! (my breakfast gets squeezed before or after this lovely scene).
He's getting more grabby for her toys. She's getting more pokey/pestering and a little more defiant. Yet, she gives him "big hugs" and kisses and still loves to "hold" him :)