Thursday, April 30, 2015

James' Baby Quilt

I couldn't just make quilts for friends, right? James needed one of his own :)

Fabric: Sasparilla by October Afternoon for Riley Blake Fabrics (I used a different line from October Afternoon for one of Ev's quilt, so this just felt right!).

I think the backing is an Alexander Henry print... another Instagram purchase from last year. I haven't checked out #thegreatfabricdestash in awhile... I should take a glimpse again soon, just to see if there's anything good ;)

 I love this size quilt (6x8 5" squares with a 4" border), as it fits perfectly over the infant carseat. We'll get a lot of use out of it... it seems that the second child gets lugged around a lot more than the first. E loves going on outings, so James gets to come, too!

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