
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Look to the Skies

As always, our summer skies have been full of variety...

Morning clouds at my parents' lake cabin.

An evening rainbow from our back patio door.

This one is a fun story. We knew a storm was coming in, but we were already on the road to my parents' cabin. We watched the storm cell more toward our destination and followed the weather reports on our phones. We reached the town closest to the cabin just as the storm did, so we hunkered down behind a church until there was a short break from the hail. Once we reach the cabin, the storm showered us with just a little more hail. Thankfully, we only have a few small marks on our car, and you can only see them if you know what you're looking for! 

4th of July Morning Haziness. 
(We've had off-and-on hazy skies due to the smoke from wildfires all the way up in Canada).

Happy Birthday, America :)

Blow out your candles! 

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