
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

From all of us here on the farm... may your night be full of treats :)

Happy Halloween!!

PS: I may have had a little too much fun on PicMonkey creating this picture...

PPS: I am still surprised that Mute stayed still long enough for me to even capture this picture. He got extra pettings as a reward.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Last Project from Montana

 This was the last thing I made before packing up my machine before we moved... the green was leftover from the Batik Blog Hop (it was the inside of the purse), and the lining was purchased during this antique store sale. I thought the colors complimented each other, plus I used red thread for even more contrast.

When I was first starting to make it, I just used the entire length of green fabric I had, but that was going to make it too tall for my liking. Therefore, I waited to attach the handles after I added the lining and folded it over. It made the handle attachment a little messier, but I like the look of the lining folded over. I think it turned out to be a successful experiment, don't you?

Dan was having fun taking pictures. I thought I'd humor him and put one more up here. Not my favorite... but it works :)

Linking up to a few more parties (check the sidebar for my favorites!).

Monday, October 28, 2013

October Goal. Done

I posted my October goal here... this is a part of Melissa and Shanna's A Lovely Year of Finishes.

 I wanted to create something to highlight a piece of Hardanger embroidery that Dan's grandma made... and a pillow is what I decided on! The finished product will probably end up in Evelyn's future bedroom :)

 I used some fat-eighths that I found at a rummage sale back in Montana to create a log cabin block with the embroidery in the middle. I pieced the block onto a piece of scrap fleece, so it was quilted as I added each 2-1/2" strip. The back is just a simple envelope closure, and the binding was attached to the front and hand-stitched to the back.

It's beautiful embroidery, but I knew that I would never take the time to learn such intricate handwork in order to finish this piece. It was best to put it to good use as it is, so it can still be loved while on display. There is a sad kind of beauty in unfinished work, and now it is brightened up with some pinks and blues.

Now I need to decide on a November goal!

Linking up to my favorite parties... the buttons are on the side bar - go check a few out!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Is it Christmas Yet?!

Because... sometimes it feels that way with some of the things my mother-in-law is excited to give me! Just the other day, she said that I could have three vintage suitcases... and if I didn't want them they were going to Goodwill. Sure Kari, I'll take those off your hands ;)

 Here is a metal tin full of vintage postcards and letters. Now, I actually don't know if I get these or not, but I will for sure be scanning both the fronts and the backs to preserve these lovely, family treasures (some are even written in Norwegian)... and then I'll see if I can decorate with a few of them!

 They aren't all Christmas postcards, but with the countdown to Christmas quickly approaching, I thought it was only appropriate :)

 Gosh. I love vintage. I love Christmas. I love history. How perfect :)

 Here's one dated 1910.

 Most of them seemed to be in the 1920s range.

One last picture for your vintage-loving-hearts. I look forward to having time to scan them all! I'll be sure to share more pictures when I do!!

PS: I can totally see something like this in my Christmas decorating future... not this year, but you know... when I have a house :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's time for the Wicked Hop!

I knew better than to join this hop, even though I would have loved to make a Halloween project! Things have just been so busy around here :) Click on the button above to go see today's Wicked projects... and then follow along until the 31st to see all of this year's inspiring projects!

These are all from Mom's place, and are all projects that she has created over the years... the cheesecloth ghosts are always a favorite!

Isn't the log cabin jack-o-lantern, fun?! Oh, and then there's one of my 4-H projects... the painted chunk of wood :)

I get a kick out of the flying witch, who has flying witches on her apron!

Maybe next year I'll have a fun Halloween project of my own to show you! Until then, enjoy the blog hop!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Baby E: Baptism

 We waited to have Evelyn baptized until we had moved home. We wanted our family to be there to help us celebrate Evelyn joining the Lord's family! We went up to my home church (where we were married)... we haven't decided on what church to attend down here, so we decided on doing the baptism up there.

 It was such a perfect day - grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, great-aunts/uncles, etc, etc. They were all there to show their support (and for some, to meet Evelyn for the first time!).

 Here she is with two of her cousins :) 

These are the pictures that show her dress the best, too. I still can't believe I didn't get a close-up of it. It was made by Evelyn's great-great grandmother. It has the most intricate lace tatted on it! It has a matching over-dress, which was of course too small for her almost 6-month head. There is also a bonnet and little booties.

It has been worn by my grandmother, great-aunt, my mom and her three siblings, at least two of my cousins and two of Evelyn's second-cousins. Needless to say, it's pretty special! I'll have to take a close-up picture sometime when I see it again...

Here's my grandma who wore the same baptismal dress... and our first 4 generational picture! This reminds me that we need to get a similar picture on Dan's side, too. (Oh, and that's my uncle... he doesn't do babies very often... but I made him hold Evelyn for a picture... both of their expressions made it very worthwhile!).

A beautiful day for a beautiful little girl's baptism. Blessings all around.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Real 6 Month Post

Awhile ago, our little Evelyn turned 6 months old! 

It was kind of a tough month for the little peanut... the move changed a lot of things for her! Our surroundings changed, the people changed and her "schedule" has changed (not that she ever has or ever will have a schedule...she's just not that kind of baby... but our normal day definitely changed).

  • She is the happiest after eating, after sleeping (regardless of how long/short the nap was), or just being held by Momma.
  • She laughs at music. She laughs at little kids. She laughs when I chew my food. She likes to laugh... when she's not tired of course.
  • She is getting much better at sitting up.
  • She is mobile! She tries to crawl on all fours, but that lasts just a few short strides and she's back squirming and reaching on her tummy.
  • My parents think her first words will be "up," since that is what she wants most of the time! (Both right-hand picture is her classic "Lift me up, Mom!" pose...)
  • Sometimes she acts like a cat: she'll crawl/squirm close to your legs and then reach up and touch your legs. She wants attention and she wants up!
  • Doc says the two front teeth are coming in, but I haven't seen them peeking through yet.
  • She still loves outdoors - espeically when she can get to play in the grass... or dirt... or whatever is on the edge of the blanket!
  • She doesn't quite understand petting yet... she grabs at the cat's furs still. Good thing the cat is patient and just loves any type of attention!
  • She still hasn't quite figured out how to use a sippy cup, but she loves chewing on them... and on a bottle... and on a pacifier. Chew, chew, chewing.
  • She has started to be more interested in books, but to my excitement!
  • She's in between sizes again... 3-6months and 6-9months.
  • She's still eating twice a night, but at least she's in a crib!
  • Her naps are still hard to come by. Sometimes we bounce, sometimes we nurse, and yes, sometimes we cry.
  • She isn't quite in love with oatmeal yet. Nor does she like homemade applesauce without sugar. Stay tuned for some hilarious pictures of her gagging on it :)

As usual, I'm sure I forgot some important info, but this is a start. Thanks for letting me use this blog as a semi-baby-book! Yes, she has an actual baby book, and a baby calendar... but I figure I won't miss as much if I use three different outlets :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Fall Walk (Lots of Pictures!)

Union Grove State Park

We decided to go to Union Grove State Park after church on Sunday to enjoy a fall hike. The fall colors are still appearing, and so of course, I had fun with my camera!

 This was Evelyn's first time facing outward in our Baby Bjorn carrier... I know what some say (Don't face them outward! Don't use Baby Bjorn! Blah, blah, blah), but we don't use it that often, and it E likes it!

 Hiking, hiking, hiking... it was a short trail, but enjoyable :) We already have plans of bring our cross country skis and snowshoes there during the winter! There were still a few campers around, enjoying the last of the fall weather.

 All smiles with Daddy.

 Thanks for smiling for me, too, Evelyn!

 I told you I was having fun with the camera...


 After our hike, we laid out a blanket and let Evelyn enjoy the outdoors even more before the rain came the next day.

 Yup, we let her gum a stick, but not for too long! We were happy that she didn't like the taste that much...

She thinks she needs to taste each individual leaf on the ground. Yuck.

 Happy girl. Happy day.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Unofficial 6 Months Post

Her official 6 months pictures are on the other computer... so this is what you get for now!

Evelyn had to survive a lot of changes this past month... mostly with the big move! We've also been busy with some going-here and rushing-there, so she's getting used to being out and about more often. These top pictures are all back in Montana. We spent quite a bit of time out on our deck and going for walks... all the while, being thankful that we would be on the farm during the winter. She would have gone stir-crazy in the apartment! She loves the outdoors :) 

Oh, and she loves paper. Loves, loves, loves it. Even glossy paper... like on magazines... really, whatever she can get her little grabby hands on.

 She took to the crib just fine. She is still eating twice a night, but at least she's in the crib! Just recently, we decided to also move ourselves out of the room... we'll see if that helps her twice-a-night-hungerings decrease.

She has already fallen asleep on the 4 wheeler and has worn cousins' hand-me-downs! Yay for family.

 Like I said. She loves outdoors. And cats. She laughs at Mute. And Mute loves using Evelyn's foot as a head scratcher. Whatever works :) However, Evelyn is not always content in just sitting and relaxing outside. Nope. She needs to explore. She scoots right to the edge of the blanket and plays in the grass (aka... eats the grass, leaves, etc).

She has met some of my friends, cheered for the Packers (this attire was acceptable to Dan and his family since the Vikings weren't playing...) and survived her 6 months shots. She wasn't happy afterwards. She was feverish and wanted to sleep all day. Could she sleep by herself? Nope. She needed to be on Momma. All day. My arms got tired. Poor thing.

Like I said, her official monthly pictures will be posted later. Until then, have a wonderful day :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Pumpkin Painting Party

I had one sewing and crafting friend back in Montana, and we had lots of fun sewing and crafty together. But I have to admit... an entire crafting party... with 7 other fun crafty ladies... was pretty fun, too :)

 You can't have a party without some yummy goodies! Of course I needed a close-up of the yummy apples! Aren't they fabulous?!

 The hostess had the tables set out in her garage, prepared with lots of fun supplies... spray paint, craft paint and brushes, thumb tacks and ribbons! We all love Pinterest inspiration, right?!

We did the spray painting outside, and yet the fumes were still very strong...

Here are my creations! I added the pink paint after some of the black spray paint got under the tape. I'm not usually a hot-pink type of gal, but I thought it looked pretty neat with the black. And of course, GO JACKRABBITS! (The real SDSU... aka, South Dakota State...)

 Finally, here is the entire collection. It was such a wonderful afternoon! 

We're already planning our Christmas-themed get-togehter :)

Friday, October 11, 2013

Just a Busy Time of Year

Only about one field left for soybeans! It will be a huge relief once the soybeans are in! We'll still have corn to harvest, but the corn isn't as weather dependent. Soybeans get hard when it's damp out, while you can even harvest corn in the snow. 
It's not ideal, but it is possible.

Last night was kind of crazy. I was sheltered from it all a bit since I was putting Evelyn to sleep, but I from what I hear, it was kind of crazy...

Not only were the men trying to rush the soybeans, but some cows got out.

Now, to be honest, that isn't that unusual around here (some of the fences need a little tender-loving-care).

However, having a grain truck's transmission just up and quit in the middle of the road while full of soybeans isn't a regular occurance. They had to get one of the tractors to pull it... until the tractor arrived, the truck was just stuck in the middle of the road... at night... full of beans... not fun.

Guess we need a new truck!

Let's hope today goes a bit better :)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

October Goal

Yikes. It is already the second week in month and I'm just outlining my October goal. Wish me luck!

My plan is to make a pillow using a piece of Hardanger embroidery that was made by Dan's grandmother. She never finished the piece, so I brainstormed about how I could make something to showcase it. An idea for a pillow was born :)

While digging through my totes of fabric, I came across these reproduction fat-eights that I found at a rummage sale. I think they will compliment the handwork nicely. A friend gifted me the vintage handkerchief fabric, which I think will be a nice touch to the back of the pillow. I'll probably just do an envelope backing. 

I look forward to cutting and ironing and sewing again! I just hope little Evelyn gives me some good naptimes to finish this in 3 weeks! Of course, I should be making baby gifts for friends/family or at least working on my current to-do list before adding something new like this pillow, but this seems like more fun!

A Lovely Year of Finishes :) 
October Style!